"Every year I treat myself to the 3 day masterclass at the quilt festival at the NEC, twice it has been paper lamination, the classes were several years apart and the second one with Christine Chester really inspired me to persevere with this technique. I haven't done enough to be able to produce a perfect image, but I love the unpredictability of the results."
Initially appearing to be abstract, a closer look at Eileens pictures reveal images hidden behind the disintegrated top layer. Using photographs, and torn and collaged papers the top sheer layer is screen printed and the paper then washed off leaving just the ink behind, sometimes going back and creating another layer to fill the gaps, sometimes layering a different fabric or picture behind, the results are always different and sometimes surprising, they are machine and hand stitch together to blend both the images and the techniques. Eileen has so far worked on a fairly small pieces, the largest being 40x51 cms but she is planning on working bigger pieces in the future.